"Truly outstanding! JM is without question the world's best Creative Director. Are you sure you don't want something to eat?" -my mom 



In case you were wondering:

No, she didn't really say that. She's always asking why I don't "do something with that Jimmy Fallon."

It stands for Jon-Michael, but I wish it were Jean Michél.

Because hyphenated first names make introductions difficult for everyone involved. And I love a shorter email address.

It's probably a tie between breakfast burritos, pasta and sushi.

Definitely purple.

Dogs, but cats can be cool too.

Bees. It's a whole thing. I got stung on the face by a bunch once as a kid, and that movie My Girl certainly didn't help.

Norm MacDonald, but I don't know what I would serve. A lot of people say Jesus, but I'd rather have Jesus' best friend. Imagine how cool THAT guy must have been. 

Because I can't believe this is something they let us do for a living, and I come to work every day excited about that.

Good question. Just go to the link that says "Get in Touch" at the top of the page.

Yeah no problem, it's right here:

And since nobody reads the copy, here are some pictures.